Founded in 1939
4,198 Faculty Staff
32,600 Students
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Hanyang University (HYU) was established as the first private Engineering College in Korea in 1939 and since then, has played a crucial role in the modernization of Korea. The educational philosophy of Hanyang University is based upon "Love in Deed and Truth", the founding spirit of the Hanyang University Foundation, in order to promote the values of diligence, honesty, modesty, and service in its students, and to encourage the noble pursuit of educating oneself and others.
Hanyang University was accredited as the "first" four-year engineering college in the heart of Seoul, South Korea. This is why Hanyang is so much competitive in the engineering sector. In 2018, Hanyang was ranked 3rd in Korea and 151st by the QS World Ranking. Among our alumni are numerous CEOs of conglomerates and corporations, as well as a wide array of professional engineers. Hanyang is a comprehensive and is ranked 3rd in Korea and 151st by the QS World Ranking 2018.